6 TWSP Courses by SLDM Colleges | No Tuition FEE

6 TWSP Courses by SLDM Colleges | No Tuition FEE
SLDM Colleges of Quezon City, INC. offers a Training For Work Scholarship under TESDA for the following courses, this is a free training and assessment program for the residence or Quezon city.

Courses offered:

for ICT Sectors

  1. Computer System Servicing NC II - 35 days
  2. Web Development Level II - 15 days
  3. Creative Web Design Level II - 25 days

for Tourism Sector

  1. Bread and Pastry Production - 18 days
  2. Food and Beverages Services NC II - 45 days
  3. Housekeeping NC II - 55 days

Enroll Now!
The requirements are:

  • Certificate if Brgy. Residency
  • Certificate if Indigency
  • 18 years old and Above
  • Birth Certificate (NSO/PSA)
  • Marriage Certificate (if married)
  • Diploma (High School/ALS/College)
  • Form 137/138/ TOR (optional)
  • 4pcs. 1x1 picture, 2 pcs 2x2 picture and 6pcs Passport size. (White Backgroud with name)

If you have any questions or inquiries, Please visit SLDM Colleges located at B1 L1 Salvador Avenue cor Quirino Highway, Jordans Plains Subd, Quezon City or call tel no. 552-62-98/370-35-24.

Free! No Tuition Fee! Enroll Now!

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